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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette Georges Delbard – Franciaország

Souvenir of Marcel Proust

Souvenir of Marcel Proust

Regular price €19,20 EUR
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A highly appreciated and popular rose variety, which has been awarded every time by the international jury, but is also a great favorite of gardeners. Its incredibly fresh and intense Citronella scent is particularly captivating. But the sparkling yellow color of its abundant inflorescences is also worth mentioning. It blooms repeatedly, from May until the first frost, so during this time any garden can be home to a small-scale fragrance museum.

Souvenir de Marcel Proust won a Gold Medal in Baden-Baden in 1992, and also received the award for the most delicate fragrance in 1992, this time in Monza. In 1995, it received another medal for its fragrance, in Nantes. Souvenir de Marcel Proust and “ Chartreuse de Parme ” are the two most fragrant specimens of the Delbard Horticultural Family. Their final height can reach 80-100 cm. If you want to be greeted by a pleasant fragrance when you enter your home or garden, then “Souvenir de Marcel Proust” may be your best choice.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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Famous Roses

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