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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette W. Kordes´Söhne - Németország



Regular price €18,10 EUR
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Pomponella is a flower that evokes nostalgic feelings, for the most romantic and sensitive. The creation of the Kordes horticultural family, Pomponella, whose name is suggestive, is intended to convey such feelings. And what it also hides is a unique offer: its magnificent floribunda nature, no less than 12 awards, all of which it has won in international competitions. Its offer does not end there: it brings a breeze of old memories to our gardens. It is like an old colorful picture that we keep forever in our hearts, as it awakens very deep emotions in us.

We are talking about a vigorous, very healthy rose, a fairy-tale flower that blooms profusely and repeatedly. Its special flowers are dark pink, its fragrance is mild, its foliage is lush and extremely resistant to diseases. Its final height can reach 70 - 80 cm.

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Famous Roses

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