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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Olivia Rose

Olivia Rose

Regular price €24,50 EUR
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One of the latest creations of the famous David Austin, from England, from 2014, can now be found in the Famous Roses collection. Of course, it is the already well-known Olivia Rose, a wonderful rose, full of delicacy and very comfortable in the gardens of rose lovers.

And to help you better understand the beauty of this rose, we would like to invite you to a game that develops your imagination. Let's say that Famous Roses is a photo magazine in which the roses of the world give interviews and advice. They talk about beauty care, the gardens where they like to spend their holidays, but they also talk about their dresses made of velvet petals, which they present every time they bloom. Well, Olivia Rose would be on the cover of this extremely interesting photo magazine.

We would choose it for its delicate flowers, which consist of many, about 90 petals, but we would also choose it for its repeated, abundant flowering, which delights its admirers throughout the season. But we would also choose it for the light fragrance that flows from its elegant flowers. And finally, if we turn to the health side, well, in this chapter we would also choose it for its extremely healthy vegetation, the final height of which can reach 120 – 130 cm.

We, the staff of Famous Roses, are very pleased that such a young rose is attracting the attention of even the greatest critics, but what makes us happiest is that we can have it in our collection among the other famous roses of the world.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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Famous Roses

You should know that in everything we have done, do and will do, exceptional quality has been, is and will be the golden rule. If you like, this is the essence of our offer. We believe in ethics and doing the right thing. are vital to the success of the company, which is why we strictly adhere to these principles.