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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Munstead Wood

Munstead Wood

Regular price €24,30 EUR
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When the famous David Austin sets out to create a new rose, it is important that this creation surpasses the expectations of the world's most talented and demanding gardeners. He does this because the conquest of human hearts is a racetrack with many who want to win. Who will be the most beautiful among the beautiful, who will become famous and who will deserve the recognition of international juries?

Munstead Wood is one such successful rose. We are talking about a stunning phenomenon, a rose that can become the highlight of any garden. Surrounded by a sea of ​​roses, it will stand out with its wonderful variety of colors and stunning fragrance. A special floribunda rose bush with velvety flowers in shades of purple that seem to have stepped out of the pages of romance novels.

The flowers of Munstead Wood are large at first and become cup-shaped over time. Each flower has about 75 petals and has a strong, old rose scent with hints of blackberry and blueberry. It blooms repeatedly, lasting a whole season.

We at Famous Roses have been watching her. We know when she blooms at her most admirable and we definitely encourage you to invite her into your home. When the sky is a little cloudy and maybe even starting to rain, but the sun is still shining and the clouds are not hiding its rays, well, this is the best moment to step out into your garden and admire her. For a brief moment, you may feel like a resident of a small British village or walking thoughtfully in a tiny English garden.

And what else you should know about Munstead Wood: its final height can reach 60 – 90 cm. Of course, only if you take care of it with devoted love and care. But this will certainly be the case, as we know our customers well.

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Famous Roses

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