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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette Meilland Richardier – Franciaország

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Regular price €18,70 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,70 EUR
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We have the special honor of inviting you to a Rose Inauguration, which will soon take place in your own garden. This special event takes place every year, from spring until the first frost. You will be able to discover velvety masterpieces one after the other, which you are free to touch, and we encourage you to do so. After all this, we will ask you to stop by one of the romantic masterpieces of the Meilland Richardier horticultural family. It is a real gem, called “The Rose” and dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci.

This creation, this rose, which bears the name of Leonardo da Vinci, is unique in its kind, its flowers consist of more than 90 petals and are resplendent in enchanting shades of Bengal pink.

Leonardo da Vinci, the Rose, should definitely be part of your art gallery, if only because it blooms repeatedly and extremely abundantly. One of our customers, who is a great rose lover himself, wrote to us: this rose produces more flowers than leaves. In addition, it is very resistant to frost and diseases. This fact is also confirmed by the ADR certificate, which is only given to the most resistant roses in the world. And speaking of awards, Leonardo da Vinci, the Rose, was awarded a Gold Medal in Monza. An award of which it can be extremely proud and which highlights its values ​​even more.

We at Famous Roses do everything we can to ensure that this rose reaches its new owner in the best condition, so we pack and ship it with great care, and we guarantee that it will root. And one more suggestion: if you love roses as much as you love works of art, be sure to check out the rose that has become known as Red Leonardo da Vinci .

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Famous Roses

You should know that in everything we have done, do and will do, exceptional quality has been, is and will be the golden rule. If you like, this is the essence of our offer. We believe in ethics and doing the right thing. are vital to the success of the company, which is why we strictly adhere to these principles.