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Futó- kúszórózsa, nemesítette W. Kordes´Söhne – Németország



Regular price €19,10 EUR
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When W. Kordes & Sons created the rose called Laguna in 2004, it was not for the awards, but to make your garden more beautiful and enrich your life and the lives of all rose lovers around the world. Of course, the medals are not left out: the 5 Gold and Silver Medals it has won in international competitions are authentic letters of recommendation that greatly increase the popularity of this rose among passionate gardeners.

Laguna is a wonderful climbing and trailing rose with romantic, intense pink flowers that can transform any garden and any home into an island of dreams or even a blessed place for contemplation. It blooms in clusters, and each cluster contains 6-8 flowers, consisting of 45-55 double petals, and can be admired from May until late autumn. Its strong, enchanting scent elevates it to the ranks of decorative elements. Do not forget about its fresh flowers, if you want to decorate your bathroom, for example. Its final height can reach 2.5 m and its width is 1 m.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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Famous Roses

You should know that in everything we have done, do and will do, exceptional quality has been, is and will be the golden rule. If you like, this is the essence of our offer. We believe in ethics and doing the right thing. are vital to the success of the company, which is why we strictly adhere to these principles.