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Teahibrid rózsa, nemesítette Meilland Richardier – Franciaország

Jeanne Moreau

Jeanne Moreau

Regular price €19,10 EUR
Regular price Sale price €19,10 EUR
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When the Meilland Richardier horticultural family decided to dedicate their rose to the French actress Jeanne Moreau, which of course also bears her name, they knew that this could only be an exceptional rose variety. One in a million! Just like the great lady of French cinema. So this is the story of the birth of this rose, and what else you need to know about it: its flowers are large, consisting of about 100 azure-white petals, a strong, almost intoxicating scent, a lush, strong-growing plant.

Jeanne Moreau is an early blooming rose variety, with continuous and extremely abundant flowering, its final height can reach 80 – 90 cm, and the diameter of its flowers can be 14 cm. But the best recommendation is the numerous awards and medals that this rose has won. For example, in 2002 it received a medal for its wonderful fragrance, in Genoa and Saverne, also in 2002 it won a Silver Medal, in Baden – Baden, also in 2002 it received a Certificate in Le Roeulx and finally in 2008 it won a Bronze Medal, in Gifu (Japan).

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 7 - 10 days.

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Famous Roses

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