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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Gertrude Jekyll

Gertrude Jekyll

Regular price €25,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €25,30 EUR
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In 1986, David Austin decided to paint several flowers, each consisting of about 80 petals, with shimmering pink paint. To complete his work, he endowed the resulting rose with a strong fragrance and charming elegance, and then gave the finished creation the name Gertrude Jekyll.

This is how this enchanting, romantic floribunda rose was born, whose color splendor is extraordinary and which cannot be missing from any garden in the world. And especially it cannot be missing from the countryside and courtyards of Hungary, but in fact from anywhere. It must be present in the lives of all those who want to make their days more beautiful with the presence of this wonderful rose.

Gertrude Jekyll's large, colorful roses will bloom repeatedly throughout the season, reminding you constantly that you made the right choice. You will feel this as you walk through your garden, while caring for your flowers with love and devotion.

We at Famous Roses have observed that although Gertrude Jekyll loves the sun, you can also plant it in partial shade. Its final height can reach 120 – 140 cm. And if it doesn’t root, which is a very small chance, you don’t have to worry. We guarantee the rooting of every rose we deliver to you or anyone else.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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Famous Roses

You should know that in everything we have done, do and will do, exceptional quality has been, is and will be the golden rule. If you like, this is the essence of our offer. We believe in ethics and doing the right thing. are vital to the success of the company, which is why we strictly adhere to these principles.