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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Geoff Hamilton

Geoff Hamilton

Regular price €24,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,20 EUR
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There has never been a closer connection between man and rose. Perhaps we could even say, love at first sight. An attraction that cannot be expressed in words. Its presence radiates a special inner elegance. Its flowering is astonishing. As we would say in English, the Geoff Hamilton rose is a “keeper”.

You will see it conquer your heart once and for all. It does so with its discreet, old rose scent infused with apple notes. You will be amazed by its gallantry, with which it hands you its beautiful, delicate, pink-centered flowers, which turn white towards the edges of the petals, with each bloom.

This extremely romantic floribunda, created by David Austin in 1997, blooms with graceful elegance and class throughout the season. This strong, healthy rose bush can reach 120 - 130 cm. Give this magnificent rose the chance to impress you with its personality and the pleasant atmosphere it creates around itself, which all who visit it can enjoy.

We at Famous Roses are always happy to chat with this magical rose.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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