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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte

Regular price €24,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,20 EUR
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An exceptionally beautiful rose with distinctive, delicate and perfectly formed flowers. Each flower reveals a charming pale pink, while the smaller central petals turn to a deeper peach, surrounding golden stamens in the center. Its powerful fragrance, combining tea tones of rose petals with refreshing notes of lemon and grapefruit, enchants the senses every time you admire it.

This rose develops into a vigorous bush with healthy, upright growth, reaching a height of 110-120 cm. It was named in honour of the Brontë Society to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of the famous novelist. With its repeated, spectacular blooms throughout the season, this rose will add elegance and sophistication to your garden.

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