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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Crown Princess Margareta

Crown Princess Margareta

Regular price €24,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,20 EUR
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Roses of noble origin travel in royal carriages and when they step out of the carriage in one garden after another, they find themselves among magnificent plants. These picturesque gardens are like ballrooms where we can admire the dance of flowers from morning to night. This is especially true during the warm summer months, when the enchanting play of flowers is on show, full of play and compliments. Crown Princess Margareta, a creation of David Austin, appears perfectly dressed at every garden event and never misses a single occasion.

She appears before the audience in a wonderful ball gown and accompanied by magnificent apricot-orange flowers, spreading an irresistibly strong fruity fragrance around her. Her beautifully arranged flowers, evoking romantic moods, enchant us again and again from May until the end of the garden ball season, that is, until the first frosts. She blooms repeatedly, throughout the entire season. The rose bush is very healthy, vigorous, extremely resistant to diseases, and its final height can reach 110 - 120 cm. We, the employees of Famous Roses, pack and deliver Crown Princess Margaret to our customers with great care, and we guarantee its rooting.

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