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Floribunda rózsa, nemesítette David Austin – Anglia

Abraham Darby

Abraham Darby

Regular price €24,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,30 EUR
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We at Famous Roses love sun-loving roses, which love to bask in the sun's rays. The affinity between them and the sun is obvious, almost visible to the naked eye, especially when they burst into bloom, bringing sparkle and warmth to our gardens.

Abraham Darby, the creation of the famous British rose breeder David Austin, will fill your heart with joy at any moment of the day. Several rose lovers have told us that its large, goblet-shaped flowers, consisting of about 70 petals and resplendent in shades of apricot orange, coral pink and yellow, shine most wonderfully in the farewell light of the setting sun. It is as if magic were happening. The garden is dressed in a reddish-orange dress and it seems as if Abraham Darby shines the most beautifully of all the roses.

Because it loves the sun, this magical floribunda is filled with light from early morning until evening, which may explain its constant brilliance. Its fragrance is extremely intense, rich in fruit. It is a special pleasure for us to smell the fresh fruit notes every time we approach it to care for it.

And if Abraham Darby has become a decoration of your garden, then you will certainly understand the admiration that this rose has awakened in us. If not, please accept our invitation and discover him. You will certainly be grateful later for your inspired choice.

And one more thing! You should know that Abraham Darby blooms repeatedly throughout the season, and its final height can reach 1.3 – 1.5 m.

As a cut flower, it is suitable for keeping in a vase and making bouquets. The cut flower retains its freshness for about 5 days.

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Famous Roses

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